In general terms, it is wise not to be too ambitious with your first project. Keep in mind that you have little to no experience. It would be unrealistic to expect to accomplish the same amount of work as a qualified upholsterer in the same period of time. It would be a challenge, in the time allotted for the course, to upholster a wing chair. However, many have in fact done just that. It is important to seek input from the instructor before undertaking any large project. The classes are held in our shop. Because of limited spacing there would not be more then 8 clients per class. This will ensure regular one on one contact. These courses are not structured and offer no certificates of completion. The focus from the instructor will be on your project specifically with detailed explainations of techniques used.
Classes are normally held on Tuesday evening. If enough interest is shown a class will be held on a Thursday as well. Classes start at 6:30 PM and run until 9:00 PM. The courses take place over a six week period and are held at our shop. Furniture used for the projects is permitted to stay on location for the duration of the course. It is normal to have a loose ends day on a Saturday following the end of the course for those who may have missed a night or haven’t yet completed their project. There is a charge for this extra day. Full payment in advance is the best action to ensure you get ta seat in a class.
An evaluation of your project will be preformed to help gauge your specific needs. In keeping with the concept of learning how to upholster using techniques and tools you have at home, clients are requested to bring the following tools; flat screwdriver, small tack hammer, measuring tape, sharp scissors, pliers, and a sense of humour. Various supplies may be required depending on the project. There is a supply package that may be purchased for $45.00 that will include the following supplies: tacks, glues, threads, piping cord & dust cloth. Other supplies required such as paddings & fabrics may be purchased from our shop at a 15% discount or they may be purchased elsewhere. Fabric need
not be purchased prior to the first class but may be necessary by the second evening.
The course is $349.00 plus tax per person per spot. A non refundable pre-registration fee of $100.00 is required to tentatively hold your seat until 14 days prior to the course start date at which time the balance of the tuition is due in full. Only full payment will secure your seat. Refunds will be issued at the discretion of Heritage Upholstery and only if the newly vacated seat has been filled. Please do not bring additional people to help you with your project. There is a registration charge for each person on location during the classes. An open account will be kept for any additional supplies used and must be paid in full no later then the last night of the classes. There are occasions when a client will request extra services to help with a project. We offer full upholstering services at a 15% discount to clients to assist with their project while taking the course. You may also wish to purchase the supplies package for $45.00 which includes tacks, glues, threads, piping cord & dust cloth. Additionally we offer an intrigrated option that cost $49.00 and that includes the use of all of our specialty tools such as our staple guns, button making machine, webbing stretchers and all other regualr shop tools.
Class Cancellation Policy
Heritage Upholstery makes no promises concerning the final results of any projects. Professional assistance will be offered throughout the course and every effort we be made to produce this best possible results. We will strive to help everyone equally. If for some reason other then Heritage Upholstery canceling a class a class is missed it will be lost, period. Unfortunately it is not possible to “make up” classes any other time.